This template is used on a very large number of pages. To avoid large-scale disruption and unnecessary server load, any changes should first be tested in this template's /sandbox or /testcases subpage, or in your own user space. The tested changes can then be added in one single edit to this template. Please consider discussing any changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
--[=[ TemplatePar 2015-02-14 Template parameter utility * assert * check * count * countNotEmpty * downcase() * match * valid * verify() * TemplatePar() ]=] -- Module globals local TemplatePar = { } local MessagePrefix = "lua-module-TemplatePar-" local L10nDef = {} L10nDef.en = { badPattern = "#invoke:TemplatePar pattern syntax error", dupOpt = "#invoke:TemplatePar repeated optional parameter", dupRule = "#invoke:TemplatePar conflict key/pattern", empty = "Error in template * undefined value for mandatory", invalid = "Error in template * invalid parameter", invalidPar = "#invoke:TemplatePar invalid parameter", minmax = "#invoke:TemplatePar min > max", missing = "#invoke:TemplatePar missing library", multiSpell = "Error in template * multiple spelling of parameter", noMSGnoCAT = "#invoke:TemplatePar neither message nor category", noname = "#invoke:TemplatePar missing parameter name", notFound = "Error in template * missing page", tooLong = "Error in template * parameter too long", tooShort = "Error in template * parameter too short", undefined = "Error in template * mandatory parameter missing", unknown = "Error in template * unknown parameter name", unknownRule = "#invoke:TemplatePar unknown rule" } = { badPattern = "#invoke:TemplatePar Syntaxfehler des pattern", dupOpt = "#invoke:TemplatePar Optionsparameter wiederholt", dupRule = "#invoke:TemplatePar Konflikt key/pattern", empty = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Pflichtparameter ohne Wert", invalid = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Parameter ungültig", invalidPar = "#invoke:TemplatePar Ungültiger Parameter", minmax = "#invoke:TemplatePar min > max", multiSpell = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Mehrere Parameter-Schreibweisen", noMSGnoCAT = "#invoke:TemplatePar weder Meldung noch Kategorie", noname = "#invoke:TemplatePar Parameter nicht angegeben", notFound = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Seite fehlt", tooLong = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Parameter zu lang", tooShort = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Parameter zu kurz", undefined = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Pflichtparameter fehlt", unknown = "Fehler bei Vorlage * Parametername unbekannt", unknownRule = "#invoke:TemplatePar Unbekannte Regel" } local Patterns = { [ "ASCII" ] = "^[ -~]*$", [ "ASCII+" ] = "^[ -~]+$", [ "ASCII+1" ] = "^[!-~]+$", [ "n" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]*$", [ "n>0" ] = "^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$", [ "N+" ] = "^[%-]?[1-9][0-9]*$", [ "N>0" ] = "^[1-9][0-9]*$", [ "x" ] = "^[0-9A-Fa-f]*$", [ "x+" ] = "^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$", [ "X" ] = "^[0-9A-F]*$", [ "X+" ] = "^[0-9A-F]+$", [ "0,0" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]*,?[0-9]*$", [ "0,0+" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]+,[0-9]+$", [ "0,0+?" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]+,?[0-9]*$", [ "0.0" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]*[%.]?[0-9]*$", [ "0.0+" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]+%.[0-9]+$", [ "0.0+?" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]+[%.]?[0-9]*$", [ ".0+" ] = "^[%-]?[0-9]*[%.]?[0-9]+$", [ "ID" ] = "^[A-Za-z]?[A-Za-z_0-9]*$", [ "ID+" ] = "^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*$", [ "ABC" ] = "^[A-Z]*$", [ "ABC+" ] = "^[A-Z]+$", [ "Abc" ] = "^[A-Z]*[a-z]*$", [ "Abc+" ] = "^[A-Z][a-z]+$", [ "abc" ] = "^[a-z]*$", [ "abc+" ] = "^[a-z]+$", [ "aBc+" ] = "^[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*$", [ "w" ] = "^%S*$", [ "w+" ] = "^%S+$", [ "base64" ] = "^[A-Za-z0-9%+/]*$", [ "base64+" ] = "^[A-Za-z0-9%+/]+$", [ "aa" ] = "[%a%a].*[%a%a]", [ "pagename" ] = string.format( "^[^#<>%%[%%]|{}%c-%c%c]+$", 1, 31, 127 ), [ "+" ] = "%S" } local patternCJK = false local function containsCJK( s ) -- Is any CJK character present? -- Precondition: -- s -- string -- Postcondition: -- Return false iff no CJK present -- Uses: -- >< patternCJK -- mw.ustring.char() -- mw.ustring.match() local r = false if not patternCJK then patternCJK = mw.ustring.char( 91, 13312, 45, 40959, 131072, 45, 178207, 93 ) end if mw.ustring.match( s, patternCJK ) then r = true end return r end -- containsCJK() local function facility( accept, attempt ) -- Check string as possible file name or other source page -- Precondition: -- accept -- string; requirement -- file -- file+ -- file: -- file:+ -- image -- image+ -- image: -- image:+ -- attempt -- string; to be tested -- Postcondition: -- Return error keyword, or false -- Uses: -- Module:FileMedia -- FileMedia.isType() local r if attempt and attempt ~= "" then local lucky, FileMedia = pcall( require, "Module:FileMedia" ) if type( FileMedia ) == "table" then FileMedia = FileMedia.FileMedia() local s, live = accept:match( "^([a-z]+)(:?)%+?$" ) if live then if FileMedia.isType( attempt, s ) then if FileMedia.isFile( attempt ) then r = false else r = "notFound" end else r = "invalid" end elseif FileMedia.isType( attempt, s ) then r = false else r = "invalid" end else r = "missing" end elseif accept:match( "%+$" ) then r = "empty" else r = false end return r end -- facility() local function factory( say ) -- Retrieve localized message string in content language -- Precondition: -- say -- string; message ID -- Postcondition: -- Return some message string -- Uses: -- > MessagePrefix -- > L10nDef -- mw.language.getContentLanguage() -- local c = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode() local m = MessagePrefix .. say ) local r = false if m:isBlank() then local l10n = L10nDef[ c ] if not l10n then l10n = L10nDef[ "en" ] end r = l10n[ say ] else m:inLanguage( c ) r = m:plain() end if not r then r = string.format( "(((%s)))", say ) end return r end -- factory() local function failsafe( story, scan ) -- Test for match (possibly user-defined with syntax error) -- Precondition: -- story -- string; parameter value -- scan -- string; pattern -- Postcondition: -- Return nil, if not matching, else non-nil -- Uses: -- mw.ustring.match() return mw.ustring.match( story, scan ) end -- failsafe() local function failure( spec, suspect, options ) -- Submit localized error message -- Precondition: -- spec -- string; message ID -- suspect -- string or nil; additional information -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.template -- Postcondition: -- Return string -- Uses: -- factory() local r = factory( spec ) if type( options ) == "table" then if type( options.template ) == "string" then if #options.template > 0 then r = string.format( "%s (%s)", r, options.template ) end end end if suspect then r = string.format( "%s: %s", r, suspect ) end return r end -- failure() local function fault( store, key ) -- Add key to collection string and insert separator -- Precondition: -- store -- string or nil or false; collection string -- key -- string or number; to be appended -- Postcondition: -- Return string; extended local r local s if type( key ) == "number" then s = tostring( key ) else s = key end if store then r = string.format( "%s; %s", store, s ) else r = s end return r end -- fault() local function feasible( analyze, options, abbr ) -- Check content of a value -- Precondition: -- analyze -- string to be analyzed -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.pattern -- options.key -- options.say -- abbr -- true: abbreviated error message -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid or no answer permitted -- Uses: -- > Patterns -- failure() -- mw.text.trim() -- facility() -- failsafe() -- containsCJK() local r = false local s = false local show = nil local scan = false if type( options.pattern ) == "string" then if options.key then r = failure( "dupRule", false, options ) else scan = options.pattern end else if type( options.key ) == "string" then s = mw.text.trim( options.key ) else s = "+" end if s ~= "*" then scan = Patterns[ s ] end if type( scan ) == "string" then if s == "n" or s == "0,0" or s == "0.0" then if not analyze:match( "[0-9]" ) and not analyze:match( "^%s*$" ) then scan = false if options.say then show = string.format( "'%s'", options.say ) end if abbr then r = show else r = failure( "invalid", show, options ) end end end elseif s ~= "*" then local op, n, plus = s:match( "([<!=>]=?)([-0-9][%S]*)(+?)" ) if op then n = tonumber( n ) if n then local i = tonumber( analyze ) if i then if op == "<" then i = ( i < n ) elseif op == "<=" then i = ( i <= n ) elseif op == ">" then i = ( i > n ) elseif op == ">=" then i = ( i >= n ) elseif op == "==" then i = ( i == n ) elseif op == "!=" then i = ( i ~= n ) else n = false end end if not i then r = "invalid" end elseif plus then r = "undefined" end elseif s:match( "^image%+?:?$" ) or s:match( "^file%+?:?$" ) then r = facility( s, analyze ) n = true elseif s:match( "langW?%+?" ) then n = "lang" -- lang lang+ -- langW langW+ end if not n and not r then r = "unknownRule" end if r then if options.say then show = string.format( "'%s' %s", options.say, s ) else show = s end if abbr then r = show else r = failure( r, show, options ) end end end end if scan then local legal, got = pcall( failsafe, analyze, scan ) if legal then if not got then if s == "aa" then got = containsCJK( analyze ) end if not got then if options.say then show = string.format( "'%s'", options.say ) end if abbr then r = show else r = failure( "invalid", show, options ) end end end else r = failure( "badPattern", string.format( "%s *** %s", scan, got ), options ) end end return r end -- feasible() local function fed( haystack, needle ) -- Find needle in haystack map -- Precondition: -- haystack -- table; map of key values -- needle -- any; identifier -- Postcondition: -- Return true iff found local k, v for k, v in pairs( haystack ) do if k == needle then return true end end -- for k, v return false end -- fed() local function fetch( light, options ) -- Return regular table with all parameters -- Precondition: -- light -- true: template transclusion; false: #invoke -- options -- table; optional details -- options.low -- Postcondition: -- Return table; whitespace-only values as false -- Uses: -- TemplatePar.downcase() -- mw.getCurrentFrame() -- frame:getParent() local g, k, v local r = { } if options.low then g = TemplatePar.downcase( options ) else g = mw.getCurrentFrame() if light then g = g:getParent() end g = g.args end if type( g ) == "table" then r = { } for k, v in pairs( g ) do if type( v ) == "string" then if v:match( "^%s*$" ) then v = false end else v = false end if type( k ) == "number" then k = tostring( k ) end r[ k ] = v end -- for k, v else r = g end return r end -- fetch() local function figure( append, options ) -- Extend options by rule from #invoke strings -- Precondition: -- append -- string or nil; requested rule -- options -- table; details -- ++ .key -- ++ .pattern -- Postcondition: -- Return sequence table local r = options if type( append ) == "string" then local story = mw.text.trim( append ) local sub = story:match( "^/(.*%S)/$" ) if type( sub ) == "string" then sub = sub:gsub( "%%!", "|" ) sub = sub:gsub( "%%%(%(", "{{" ) sub = sub:gsub( "%%%)%)", "}}" ) options.pattern = sub options.key = nil else options.key = story options.pattern = nil end end return r end -- figure() local function fill( specified ) -- Split requirement string separated by '=' -- Precondition: -- specified -- string or nil; requested parameter set -- Postcondition: -- Return sequence table -- Uses: -- mw.text.split() local r if specified then local i, s r = mw.text.split( specified, "%s*=%s*" ) for i = #r, 1, -1 do s = r[ i ] if #s == 0 then table.remove( r, i ) end end -- for i, -1 else r = { } end return r end -- fill() local function finalize( submit, options, frame ) -- Finalize message -- Precondition: -- submit -- string or false or nil; non-empty error message -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.format -- options.preview -- -- options.template -- frame -- object, or false -- Postcondition: -- Return string or false -- Uses: -- factory() local r = false if submit then local opt, s local lazy = false local show = false if type( options ) == "table" then opt = options show = opt.format lazy = ( show == "" or show == "0" or show == "-" ) s = opt.preview if type( s ) == "string" and s ~= "" and s ~= "0" and s ~= "-" then if lazy then show = "" lazy = false end if not frame then frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() end if frame:preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" ) == "" then if s == "1" then show = "*" else show = s end end end else opt = { } end if lazy then if not then r = string.format( "%s %s", submit, factory( "noMSGnoCAT" ) ) end else r = submit end if r and not lazy then local i if not show or show == "*" then show = "<span class=\"error\">@@@</span>" end i = show:find( "@@@", 1, true ) if i then -- No gsub() since r might contain "%3" (e.g. URL) r = string.format( "%s%s%s", show:sub( 1, i - 1 ), r, show:sub( i + 3 ) ) else r = show end end s = if type( s ) == "string" then if opt.errNS then local ns = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace local st = type( opt.errNS ) if st == "string" then local space = string.format( ".*%%s%d%%s.*", ns ) local spaces = string.format( " %s ", opt.errNS ) if spaces:match( space ) then opt.errNS = false end elseif st == "table" then for i = 1, #opt.errNS do if opt.errNS[ i ] == ns then opt.errNS = false break -- for i end end -- for i end end if opt.errNS then r = "" else if not r then r = "" end if s:find( "@@@" ) then if type( opt.template ) == "string" then s = s:gsub( "@@@", opt.template ) end end local i local cats = mw.text.split( s, "%s*#%s*" ) for i = 1, #cats do s = mw.text.trim( cats[ i ] ) if #s > 0 then r = string.format( "%s[[Category:%s]]", r, s ) end end -- for i end end end return r end -- finalize() local function finder( haystack, needle ) -- Find needle in haystack sequence -- Precondition: -- haystack -- table; sequence of key names, downcased if low -- needle -- any; key name -- Postcondition: -- Return true iff found local i for i = 1, #haystack do if haystack[ i ] == needle then return true end end -- for i return false end -- finder() local function fix( valid, duty, got, options ) -- Perform parameter analysis -- Precondition: -- valid -- table; unique sequence of known parameters -- duty -- table; sequence of mandatory parameters -- got -- table; sequence of current parameters -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- Postcondition: -- Return string as configured; empty if valid -- Uses: -- finder() -- fault() -- failure() -- fed() local k, v local r = false for k, v in pairs( got ) do if not finder( valid, k ) then r = fault( r, k ) end end -- for k, v if r then r = failure( "unknown", string.format( "'%s'", r ), options ) else -- all names valid local i, s for i = 1, #duty do s = duty[ i ] if not fed( got, s ) then r = fault( r, s ) end end -- for i if r then r = failure( "undefined", r, options ) else -- all mandatory present for i = 1, #duty do s = duty[ i ] if not got[ s ] then r = fault( r, s ) end end -- for i if r then r = failure( "empty", r, options ) end end end return r end -- fix() local function flat( collection, options ) -- Return all table elements with downcased string -- Precondition: -- collection -- table; k=v pairs -- options -- table or nil; optional messaging details -- Postcondition: -- Return table, may be empty; or string with error message. -- Uses: -- mw.ustring.lower() -- fault() -- failure() local k, v local r = { } local e = false for k, v in pairs( collection ) do if type ( k ) == "string" then k = mw.ustring.lower( k ) if r[ k ] then e = fault( e, k ) end end r[ k ] = v end -- for k, v if e then r = failure( "multiSpell", e, options ) end return r end -- flat() local function fold( options ) -- Merge two tables, create new sequence if both not empty -- Precondition: -- options -- table; details -- options.mandatory sequence to keep unchanged -- options.optional sequence to be appended -- options.low downcased expected -- Postcondition: -- Return merged table, or message string if error -- Uses: -- finder() -- fault() -- failure() -- flat() local i, e, r, s local base = options.mandatory local extend = options.optional if #base == 0 then if #extend == 0 then r = { } else r = extend end else if #extend == 0 then r = base else e = false for i = 1, #extend do s = extend[ i ] if finder( base, s ) then e = fault( e, s ) end end -- for i if e then r = failure( "dupOpt", e, options ) else r = { } for i = 1, #base do table.insert( r, base[ i ] ) end -- for i for i = 1, #extend do table.insert( r, extend[ i ] ) end -- for i end end end if options.low and type( r ) == "table" then r = flat( r, options ) end return r end -- fold() local function form( light, options, frame ) -- Run parameter analysis on current environment -- Precondition: -- light -- true: template transclusion; false: #invoke -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.mandatory -- options.optional -- frame -- object, or false -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid -- Uses: -- fold() -- fetch() -- fix() -- finalize() local duty, r if type( options ) == "table" then if type( options.mandatory ) ~= "table" then options.mandatory = { } end duty = options.mandatory if type( options.optional ) ~= "table" then options.optional = { } end r = fold( options ) else options = { } duty = { } r = { } end if type( r ) == "table" then local got = fetch( light, options ) if type( got ) == "table" then r = fix( r, duty, got, options ) else r = got end end return finalize( r, options, frame ) end -- form() local function format( analyze, options ) -- Check validity of a value -- Precondition: -- analyze -- string to be analyzed -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.say -- options.min -- options.max -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid or no answer permitted -- Uses: -- feasible() -- failure() local r = feasible( analyze, options, false ) local show if options.min and not r then if type( options.min ) == "number" then if type( options.max ) == "number" then if options.max < options.min then r = failure( "minmax", string.format( "%d > %d", options.min, options.max ), options ) end end if #analyze < options.min and not r then show = " <" .. options.min if options.say then show = string.format( "%s '%s'", show, options.say ) end r = failure( "tooShort", show, options ) end else r = failure( "invalidPar", "min", options ) end end if options.max and not r then if type( options.max ) == "number" then if #analyze > options.max then show = " >" .. options.max if options.say then show = string.format( "%s '%s'", show, options.say ) end r = failure( "tooLong", show, options ) end else r = failure( "invalidPar", "max", options ) end end return r end -- format() local function formatted( assignment, access, options ) -- Check validity of one particular parameter in a collection -- Precondition: -- assignment -- collection -- access -- id of parameter in collection -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid or no answer permitted -- Uses: -- mw.text.trim() -- format() -- failure() local r = false if type( assignment ) == "table" then local story = assignment.args[ access ] or "" if type( access ) == "number" then story = mw.text.trim( story ) end if type( options ) ~= "table" then options = { } end options.say = access r = format( story, options ) end return r end -- formatted() local function furnish( frame, action ) -- Prepare #invoke evaluation of .assert() or .valid() -- Precondition: -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- action -- "assert" or "valid" -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- form() -- failure() -- finalize() -- TemplatePar.valid() -- TemplatePar.assert() local options = { mandatory = { "1" }, optional = { "2", "cat", "errNS", "low", "max", "min", "format", "preview", "template" }, template = string.format( "#invoke:%s|%s|", "TemplatePar", action ) } local r = form( false, options, frame ) if not r then local s options = { cat =, errNS = frame.args.errNS, low = frame.args.low, format = frame.args.format, preview = frame.args.preview, template = frame.args.template } options = figure( frame.args[ 2 ], options ) if type( frame.args.min ) == "string" then s = frame.args.min:match( "^%s*([0-9]+)%s*$" ) if s then options.min = tonumber( s ) else r = failure( "invalidPar", "min=" .. frame.args.min, options ) end end if type( frame.args.max ) == "string" then s = frame.args.max:match( "^%s*([1-9][0-9]*)%s*$" ) if s then options.max = tonumber( s ) else r = failure( "invalidPar", "max=" .. frame.args.max, options ) end end if r then r = finalize( r, options, frame ) else s = frame.args[ 1 ] or "" r = tonumber( s ) if ( r ) then s = r end if action == "valid" then r = TemplatePar.valid( s, options, frame ) elseif action == "assert" then r = TemplatePar.assert( s, "", options ) end end end return r or "" end -- furnish() TemplatePar.assert = function ( analyze, append, options ) -- Perform parameter analysis on a single string -- Precondition: -- analyze -- string to be analyzed -- append -- string: append error message, prepending <br /> -- false or nil: throw error with message -- options -- table; optional details -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid -- Uses: -- format() local r = format( analyze, options ) if ( r ) then if ( type( append ) == "string" ) then if ( append ~= "" ) then r = string.format( "%s<br />%s", append, r ) end else error( r, 0 ) end end return r end -- TemplatePar.assert() TemplatePar.check = function ( options ) -- Run parameter analysis on current template environment -- Precondition: -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- options.mandatory -- options.optional -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid -- Uses: -- form() return form( true, options, false ) end -- TemplatePar.check() TemplatePar.count = function () -- Return number of template parameters -- Postcondition: -- Return number, starting at 0 -- Uses: -- mw.getCurrentFrame() -- frame:getParent() local k, v local r = 0 local t = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent() local o = t.args for k, v in pairs( o ) do r = r + 1 end -- for k, v return r end -- TemplatePar.count() TemplatePar.countNotEmpty = function () -- Return number of template parameters with more than whitespace -- Postcondition: -- Return number, starting at 0 -- Uses: -- mw.getCurrentFrame() -- frame:getParent() local k, v local r = 0 local t = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent() local o = t.args for k, v in pairs( o ) do if not v:match( "^%s*$" ) then r = r + 1 end end -- for k, v return r end -- TemplatePar.countNotEmpty() TemplatePar.downcase = function ( options ) -- Return all template parameters with downcased name -- Precondition: -- options -- table or nil; optional messaging details -- Postcondition: -- Return table, may be empty; or string with error message. -- Uses: -- mw.getCurrentFrame() -- frame:getParent() -- flat() local t = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent() return flat( t.args, options ) end -- TemplatePar.downcase() TemplatePar.valid = function ( access, options, frame ) -- Check validity of one particular template parameter -- Precondition: -- access -- id of parameter in template transclusion -- string or number -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid or no answer permitted -- Uses: -- mw.text.trim() -- TemplatePar.downcase() -- frame:getParent() -- formatted() -- failure() -- finalize() local r = type( access ) if r == "string" then r = mw.text.trim( access ) if #r == 0 then r = false end elseif r == "number" then r = access else r = false end if r then local params if type( options ) ~= "table" then options = { } end if options.low then params = TemplatePar.downcase( options ) else params = frame:getParent() end r = formatted( params, access, options ) else r = failure( "noname", false, options ) end return finalize( r, options, frame ) end -- TemplatePar.valid() TemplatePar.verify = function ( options ) -- Perform #invoke parameter analysis -- Precondition: -- options -- table or nil; optional details -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message as configured; -- false if valid -- Uses: -- form() return form( false, options, false ) end -- TemplatePar.verify() -- Provide external access local p = {} function p.assert( frame ) -- Perform parameter analysis on some single string -- Precondition: -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- furnish() return furnish( frame, "assert" ) end -- .assert() function p.check( frame ) -- Check validity of template parameters -- Precondition: -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- form() -- fill() local options = { optional = { "all", "opt", "cat", "errNS", "low", "format", "preview", "template" }, template = "#invoke:TemplatePar|check|" } local r = form( false, options, frame ) if not r then options = { mandatory = fill( frame.args.all ), optional = fill( frame.args.opt ), cat =, errNS = frame.args.errNS, low = frame.args.low, format = frame.args.format, preview = frame.args.preview, template = frame.args.template } r = form( true, options, frame ) end return r or "" end -- .check() function p.count( frame ) -- Count number of template parameters -- Postcondition: -- Return string with digits including "0" -- Uses: -- TemplatePar.count() return tostring( TemplatePar.count() ) end -- .count() function p.countNotEmpty( frame ) -- Count number of template parameters which are not empty -- Postcondition: -- Return string with digits including "0" -- Uses: -- TemplatePar.countNotEmpty() return tostring( TemplatePar.countNotEmpty() ) end -- .countNotEmpty() function p.match( frame ) -- Combined analysis of parameters and their values -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- mw.text.trim() -- mw.ustring.lower() -- failure() -- form() -- TemplatePar.downcase() -- figure() -- feasible() -- fault() -- finalize() local r = false local options = { cat =, errNS = frame.args.errNS, low = frame.args.low, format = frame.args.format, preview = frame.args.preview, template = frame.args.template } local k, v, s local params = { } for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do if type( k ) == "number" then s, v = v:match( "^ *([^=]+) *= *(%S.*%S*) *$" ) if s then s = mw.text.trim( s ) if s == "" then s = false end end if s then if options.low then s = mw.ustring.lower( s ) end if params[ s ] then s = params[ s ] s[ #s + 1 ] = v else params[ s ] = { v } end else r = failure( "invalidPar", tostring( k ), options ) break -- for k, v end end end -- for k, v if not r then s = { } for k, v in pairs( params ) do s[ #s + 1 ] = k end -- for k, v options.optional = s r = form( true, options, frame ) end if not r then local errMiss, errValues, lack, rule local targs = frame:getParent().args options.optional = nil if options.low then targs = TemplatePar.downcase() else targs = frame:getParent().args end errMiss = false errValues = false for k, v in pairs( params ) do options.say = k errValue = false s = targs[ k ] if s then if s == "" then lack = true else lack = false end else s = "" lack = true end for r, rule in pairs( v ) do options = figure( rule, options ) r = feasible( s, options, true ) if r then if lack then if errMiss then errMiss = string.format( "%s, '%s'", errMiss, k ) else errMiss = string.format( "'%s'", k ) end elseif not errMiss then errValues = fault( errValues, r ) end break -- for r, rule end end -- for s, rule end -- for k, v r = ( errMiss or errValues ) if r then if errMiss then r = failure( "undefined", errMiss, options ) else r = failure( "invalid", errValues, options ) end r = finalize( r, options, frame ) end end return r or "" end -- .match() function p.valid( frame ) -- Check validity of one particular template parameter -- Precondition: -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- furnish() return furnish( frame, "valid" ) end -- .valid() function p.TemplatePar() -- Retrieve function access for modules -- Postcondition: -- Return table with functions return TemplatePar end -- .TemplatePar() return p