Modèle:FAL or cc-by-nc-nd

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If you want to use this file commercially and make modifications of it, you have to do these under the terms of the Free Art License.
Licence Art Libre Copyleft : cette œuvre d’art est libre ; vous pouvez la redistribuer ou la modifier selon les termes de la licence Art Libre. Vous trouverez un exemplaire de cette licence sur le site Copyleft Attitude ainsi que sur d’autres sites.

Otherwise you may choose out of one of the following Creative Commons licences:

Creative Commons License

This file is published under the following Creative Commons licenses:

Attribution NonCommercial NonDerivative 1.0
Attribution NonCommercial NonDerivative 2.0
Attribution NonCommercial NonDerivative 2.5
Attribution NonCommercial NonDerivative 3.0

To provide attribution, credit the author as the uploader's username with a link to his userpage.